首页 > 理科 > 石油地球科学MSci(荣誉)


Imperial College LondonPetroleum Geoscience MSci (Hons)


This course learns how to find and responsibly exploit petroleum resources in this professionally accredited integrated Master's degree. The principal challenge facing the world’s growing population is how to maintain sustainable access to the natural resources – water, energy and food – that are necessary for us to enjoy a good quality of life, while protecting the environment. The science and engineering behind understanding and solving this challenge lie at the heart of earth science, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses physics, chemistry, mathematics and other sciences. It can be applied to the study of Earth to give us an understanding of how our planet works, from its internal core, crust and oceans, to the atmosphere and our solar system. All our courses combine a strong traditional emphasis on observational and field skills with the numerical and analytical fundamental science required to understand Earth processes and systems quantitatively. We also emphasise the development of transferable professional skills such as group working, problem-solving, drawing inferences from incomplete data, IT, and oral and written communication. The growing importance of earth science in tackling some of the world’s most significant challenges means that the job prospects for our graduates have never been better. Our three-year BSc degrees are excellent preparation for careers in geosciences and other professions, especially if followed by a relevant MSc and a research degree. Our four-year MSci degrees provide a deeper understanding of the subject and the chance to undertake a significant research project.
  • 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
  • 学费: £29,000.00 (¥ 259,623) /年 此费用为固定收费 以学校或offer为准
  • 开学时间: 每年2或7月
  • 总学分: 0
  • 是否移民专业:访问官网链接


为来自中国的学生设计 Students with overall scores of 38-42, with scores of 6-7 in relevant subjects are considered. Please note Mathematical Studies cannot take the place of Mathematics, where Mathematics is specified as a required subject.


  • 申请材料要求
  • 是否需要文书
  • 申请费 100澳币
  • 申请周期 1-2月
